Friends - Rotary

Rotary Club of Oakville

Rotary is a worldwide organization of business and professional leaders that provides humanitarian service, encourages high ethical standards in all vocations, and helps build goodwill and peace in the world. Its motto is "Service above Self." Approximately 1.2 million Rotarians belong to more than 32,000 clubs in 168 countries. Rotary promotes world peace and global understanding through local and global service projects. Local Rotarians from the Clubs of Sosua, Puerto Plata, Tamboril, Jarabacoa, Moca, Salcedo, and Santiago have assisted with the organization of various PowerTrips work projects in the past.

Members of local Interact or Rotaract Clubs in the Dominican Republic frequently provide a warm welcome and valuable support to PowerTrip projects. They often host an evening reception or dance and provide significant on-site assistance. Canadian Rotary clubs from coast to coast have individually and frequently sponsored to various degrees individual students and/or school groups to participate in this unique program. Additionally, several clubs have made contributions to the bricks-and-mortar fund of specific projects. To date, several February and March projects have benefited tremendously from the enrichment, expertise and additional leadership offered by volunteers from Canadian Rotary clubs coast to coast; their skills and talents as carpenters, plumbers, electricians, nurses, experienced youth leaders, retired school administrators or teachers have hugely impacted our projects and strengthened our Rotary connection. The Rotary Club of Oakville acts as principle steward of the donation bricks-and-mortar money that is fundraised for the purpose of making-over a school.

Rotary Sponsorship to Date:

Contribution to projects

Participation and sponsorship by Brian of Medicine Hat Rotary Club and Bruce and the TLC leaders of London and UWO Rotary / Rotaract clubs

Sponsorship of Health partners Int’l Physicians’ Medical Packs

Shipment via West Jet trip participants of some 30 sewing machines, sewing supplies  and fabric


Contribution to projects

Shipment of container of school furniture, Staedtler school supplies, sewing machines, fabric, bikes, soccer uniforms and equipment in partnership with Second Kicks organization , Toronto


Shipment of a 40’ container  filled with school furniture, sports equipment, school supplies, packed and shipped by the Rotary Club of Oakville  , received by the Rotary Club of Moca 2 de Mayo

$25,000 U.S. matching grant to refurbish the Laura Vicuna Women’s Training Centre in Moca, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Moca 2  de Mayo and the Rotary Club of Oakville

$15,000 Cdn. approx. designated to the construction in March of an additional classroom, a small basketball court and a complete makeover of the other two classrooms of El Manguito, Puerto Plata, via funds raised by Montreal volunteers  

$20,000 Cdn. approx designated to the construction in March of a kitchen and storage space, new roof, windows and doors and a significant makeover to the existing two classrooms, a huge retaining wall to stop erosion of the remote school in San Victor Arriba, via funds raised by students from Toronto and Halton schools and Interact Clubs

$25,000 Cdn. approx. designated to the construction in March-April of an additional classroom and a regulation-size basketball court to a large and significant rural school , La Ermita, via funds raised by students from Strathcona-Tweedsmuir School in Alberta

Sponsorship of a one-week children’s summer arts camp at Rosario de Sanchez School in Playa Oueste

Each project was overseen by architects and engineers from the Rotaract Club of Moca 2 de Mayo and local community leaders, was occasionally assisted by volunteer student teachers from the U of Calgary, and facilitated a free medical clinic via local Rotary medical and health professionals, using medical supplies from Rotarians in Montreal, and donations from  friends of volunteers.


$25,000 Cdn. approx. designated to the construction of an additional classroom and a gazebo on the school site of Palo Blanco, via funds raised by participants of the February and March PowerTrips projects, overseen by architects, engineers and business administrators of the Rotaract Club of Moca and the Rotary club of Puerto Plata

$5000 Cdn. approx. designated to the construction of a retaining wall fence, completion of a snack-shack/cafeteria and a Phys. Ed. office on the property of the major school in Munoz, overseen by architects, engineers and business administrators of the Rotaract Club of Moca and the Rotary club of Puerto Plata

Medical and dental clinics, workshops on health-related topics, HIV testing, offered by local Rotarian health professionals free of charge to poor communities around Palo Blanco and Munoz, using medical and dental supplies procured by Rotary clubs in Montreal, Vancouver and the Toronto area, and volunteers throughout Ontario

Launching of the Learning through Play, child development program of Hincks-Dellcrest, as a pilot project via the Rotary Club of Puerto Plata, to small groups of parents in local poor communities around Puerto Plata



Shipment of a 40' container of school furnishings, school supplies, medical supplies, sports equipment, etc.

$18,000 Cdn. approx designated to the construction of a 1-classroom building on a school site in Llenas, by funds raised by participants of the March PowerTrips, projects overseen by engineers from the Rotaract Club of Moca, 2 de Mayo

$15,000 Cdn. approx. designated to repairs  to two schools in the Moca area: La Ermita and Los Cercados, by funds raised by participants of the March PowerTrip, projects overseen by the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Moca 2 de Mayo

$16,000 Cdn. approx. designated to the addition of a classroom to the existing 1-classroom school in Monte de la Jagua, near Moca, project overseen by the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Moca 2 de Mayo

$5000 Cdn. designated to structural repairs, painting and desk repairs to the school in Camu, by funds raised by participants of the February and July PowerTrips projects, in partnership with the Daniel Martinez Foundation and the Rotary Club of Puerto Plata

$3000 Cdn. designated to the additional construction of a children's basketball court, a snack shack and a Phys. Ed. office and storage space  to the school in Munoz, by funds raised by participants of the March and July PowerTrips projects, in partnership with the Rotary Club of Puerto Plata.

$2000 Cdn. designated to repairs and painting of a new community training centre in Aguas Negras, project of interest to the Rotary Club of Isabel de Torres, Puerto Plata

$2000 Cdn. designated to ongoing construction and programs of the Centre for Children with Hope in La Mosca, project of interest to the Santiago Monumental Rotary Club

Medical and dental clinics, workshops on health-related topics, offered by local Rotarian health professionals free of charge to poor communities around Moca and Camu, using medical and dental supplies procured by Rotary clubs in Montreal, Vancouver and the Toronto area, and volunteers throughout Ontario



Shipment of two 40' containers of school furnishings, school supplies, shoes, clothing, sports equipment, etc.

$25,000 Cdn. approx designated to the construction of a 3-classroom building on a school site in Munoz, by funds raised by participants of the March and April 2008 PowerTrips, projects overseen by the Rotary Club of Puerto Plata

$ 35,000 Cdn. approx. designated to repairs to three schools in the Moca area: La Rosa, La Chancleta and the Laura Vicuna Women's Training Centre, by funds raised by participants of the March 2008 PowerTrip, projects overseen by the Rotary and Rotaract Clubs of Moca 2 de Mayo

Medical and dental clinics, workshops on health-related topics, offered by local Rotarian health professionals free of charge to poor communities, using medical and dental supplies procured by Rotary clubs in Montreal, Vancouver and the Toronto area



$25,000 Cdn. designated to the construction of a school for deaf children in the communities surrounding Salcedo, by funds raised by participants of the March 2008 PowerTrip, project overseen by the Rotaract and Rotary Clubs of Moca 2 de mayo

$8000 Cdn. approx designated to repairs to a country school in Guauci and an unfinished school for deaf children in Moca, by funds raised by participants of the March 2007 PowerTrip, project overseen by the Rotaract and Rotary Clubs of Moca 2 de mayo

$ 8500 Cdn. approx. designated to repairs to a school in a barrio of Puerto Plata, by funds raised by participants of the August 2007 PowerTrip, project overseen by the Puerto Plata Rotary Club of Isabel de Torres

$1000 Cdn. designated to the purchase of uniforms for children in the community of Guauci by the Rotary Club of Oakville West.



Shipment of 16,000 pounds of clothing, shoes, wheelchairs, school and medical supplies via both governments' Air Force programs



Matching grant for two containers of woodworking equipment and tools for two shops: one in Caraballo and one in Villa Gonzales



Contribution to Tamboril Children's Centre - Matching grant for vehicle and motorcycle for Cuidado Infantil Dominicano (International Child Care's Dominican program)



Contribution to Jardin de los Ninos, Los Brazos



Matching grant of $25,000 US for biosand water filters Shipment of 15,000 pound of books for literacy projects in the Dominican Republic



Contribution towards bringing Polly from Puerto Plata to Oakville for a life-saving hip operation in September, 2001



Contribution to Orphanage Outreach, Esperanza


For more information about Rotary's International programs and opportunities, please visit