Our goal is to safely guide you through an experience of a lifetime that will give you the opportunity to GO, SEE and DO and then tell amazing stories. You will return with a sense of accomplishment from your participation in meaningful community projects. You will work side by side with others who share your interest in service. You will feel comfortable as you prepare and then share the journey with unique, experienced, and compassionate team leaders. You will also work side by side at all times with local people eager to help: school children, school principals and teachers, members of the Parents' Association, community leaders, or volunteers from local Rotary, Interact and Rotaract Clubs. You will gain an understanding and appreciation of the Dominican culture and issues surrounding development and service. You will learn much about others and yourself, and you will surely be empowered by your experience -- all while having great fun.

Our goal at the same time is to empower communities in the Dominican Republic; hence, the reference to our trips in the DR as PowerTrips. The most powerful way we believe it's possible to lift up a community is to focus on education as the key to a brighter future, and so tucked into our extreme school makeover projects are workshops and 'charlas' with teachers, parents, coaches, even whole communities.

Physically, you will be involved in 'extreme school makeovers' as we work together with the local community to repair a school with many needs or take down and re-build a new one. Sensitively, you will teach, enrich, play with gorgeous kids, put your every talent and skill to work and fall in love with the beautiful children and people of the Dominican Republic, many of whom come from extremely poor families. Socially, you will make life-long friends with the people you meet. Emotionally, you will be stretched as you walk through local villages and confront poverty as never before seen. Thoughtfully, you will engage in daily group discussions and debriefings. Spiritually, quietly, little by little, you will reflect on what you see and do, what you find meaningful in life, what you have learned, and so much more. You will wonder at the end of your experience just who gained more from your journey – those you came to help, or you. Undoubtedly, YOU will be empowered!