Friends - The Duke of Edinburgh's Award

The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme of practical, cultural and adventurous activities, designed to support the personal and social development of young people aged 14-25, regardless of gender, background or ability. It offers an individual opportunity to develop life skills that will lead to personal growth and the motivation to contribute to local, national and international causes. The program encourages young people to undertake exciting, constructive, challenging and enjoyable activities in their free time.

Go.See.Do. trips has been recognized by The Duke of Edinburgh's Award (Canada) and trips may qualify for the Residential Project OR Adventurous Project or service hours providing all requirements of The Award have been met. We welome current participants of the D of E programme to join us in a service project and we encourage volunteers new to the programme to become registered in The Duke of Edinburgh's Award fabulous program.

For more information on The Duke of Edinburgh's Award, please visit