Trip Fees

What it Costs:
A Trip Fee consisting of airfare and a Go.See.Do. land cost fee
+ A Donation to the Bricks-and-Mortar Fund
+ a Gear Bag of Donation Items
+ Spending Money:

Trip Fees:
336Hours: approximately $2,700* with airfare included
240Hours: approximately $2,500* with airfare included
168Hours: approximately $1,900* with airfare included

Airfare to/from Toronto/Puerto Plata (preferably with West Jet)

Go.See.Do Fee: bus transportation, quality staff supervision, excursions, group t-shirts, meals, snacks, bottled water, trip services.

* Prices subject to change.

"Fundraising for this trip has made me even more excited about it . It was amazing to see the generosity of people who gave donations. I have never seen people so honoured to help out with raising money."
- Jen, Havergal College

Trip Fees | Donations | Donation Items | Spending Money