
Medical | Knowledge | Fundraising | Packing List | Passports | Travel Tips

A donation of a minimum of $500 U.S. per participant is required, preferably raised through individual fundraising and sponsorship. This money is to be used for the bricks-and-mortar fund and contributions to our partners. All donations are to be made payable to The Rotary Club of Oakville Charitable Trust and will be tax-receipted if over $25.00.

Combine your efforts to seek funding with the opportunity to raise awareness about the adventure you are about to embark upon. Highlight your volunteer work and you'll be surprised by the support you receive. Use your network of family and business connections to begin your fundraising.

Put some FUN into your fundraising – check out the package of fundraising ideas in the participant section to find suggestions that suit you. Personalize the letter any way you like and be in touch with as many friends, relatives and organizations as you can.

All donations are required 3 weeks before departure, so that we can confirm the specific projects with our partners in the Dominican Republic.

All donations are to be made payable to The Rotary Club of Oakville and will be tax-receipted if over $20.